Designed on trail, built for trail life. ​
My trail name is Magnet. I am a long distance backpacker and craft outdoor gear maker. Everything I sell is designed, tested and built by thru-hikers to be the toughest, lightest and most practical designs available anywhere. From the West Highland Way in Scotland, the Pacific Crest Trail and the Te Araroa in New Zealand, my gear has proven itself on trails all over the world.
More than just being light, tough and practical, the ethics of the trail community are reflected in my designs. Everything I sell is hand made to order in Bend, Oregon using USA-sourced and recycled fabrics whenever possible. Zero people are exploited in the making of my garments.
My gear is sales tax FREE to all 50 states!
Follow me on IG @magnetdsigns
February orders for made-to-order garments are now closed, and will resume on 3-1-25. You can still order stock items like the sleeping bag liner and Multitool Gaiter at this time. For alerts and updates, subscibe to my email list at bottom of page.