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My Story

I learned how to sew almost 20 years ago, while working as a prosthetist and orthotist (a person who makes artificial limbs). This was my profession until 2022, when I quit my job to thru-hike the Pacific Crest Trail. I never really thought I could marry these two things up, until I did. 


Now, I thru-hike, and I make clothing for active people (and their dogs) who value USA-made craft products that fit, function, protect the environment, and don't exploit the most desperate people on our planet.


I have no respect for outdoor companies who come up with concepts only to have somebody in a far away country, design and make it for them. Calling them "partners" does not mean they are not responsible for the degradation to the environment they cause, and the labor laws they bypass. They in-effect launder their abuse and wash their hands of it by calling them "partners". To me, this is not craftsmanship, nor is it an ethical way of existing on this planet. If we really love the environment, and we value humans and their skills and contribution, then we should show that with our actions. 


I come up with concepts, then I make prototypes in my studio. I test these items myself and on other long-distance hikers and their pets, to be sure it does what it needs to do, and is designed and made to the highest standard. Once we have a product dialed, I release it and make it for you myself in Bend, Oregon, using USA-made materials whenever possible


Giving Back
Giving Back

Trail Angeling


I am a Pacific Crest Trail angel. I am fortunate enough to live in a trail town, and get to host hikers in my home, was well as deliver trail magic straight to the trail. I am also a member of the PCTA, Oregon Natural Desert Association, and Tahoe Rim Trail Association. I donate photos to the Pacific Crest Trail Association and the Oregon Natural Desert Association. I am a photo contest judge for Oregon Wild. 

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